
All talks will be in room 202/204 of the Physics building. See the Local Info page for a map of the Syracuse campus, or search for «Syracuse University Department of Physics» on Google maps.

Speakers: Please plan to load a PDF version of your talk onto a shared laptop before your session! Either reply to the e-mail about logistics with your slides, or we can load them with a USB memory stick during the breaks.

Links to slides will appear below after the talks.

Thursday, May 2
Session 1 (chair: Jay Hubisz)
9:00-9:30 Randy Lewis (York) A qubit model for U(1) lattice gauge theory
9:30-10:00 Adam Martin (Notre Dame) Custodial dark pions
10:00-10:30 Judah Unmuth-Yockey (Syracuse) Kahler-Dirac fermions on Euclidean dynamical triangulations
10:30-11:00 Discussion and coffee
Session 2 (chair: Ethan Neil)
11:00-11:30 Andrea Carosso (Colorado) Stochastic RG and Gradient Flow
11:30-12:00 Rich Brower (Boston U.) Lattice Field Theory on Riemann Manifolds
12:00-1:30 Lunch
Session 3 (chair: Jack Laiho)
1:30-2:00 Julius Kuti (UC San Diego) Walking, σ-particle vs. dilaton, complex CFT (the sextet case study)
2:00-2:30 Oliver Witzel (Colorado) Exploring an SU(3) gauge system with 10 fundamental flavors and constructing a mass-split composite Higgs model
2:30-3:00 Victor Gorbenko (IAS) Walking RG Flows and Complex CFTs
3:00-3:30 Discussion and coffee
Session 4 (chair: Judah Unmuth-Yockey)
3:30-4:00 Yannick Meurice (Iowa) Computational strategies near conformality
4:00-4:30 Jesse Stryker (INT) Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories
4:30-5:00 Ciaran Hughes (Fermilab) Lattice Beyond BSM
5:00-7:00 Open discussion
7:30 Informal workshop dinner at Phoebe's Restaurant
Friday, May 3
Session 5 (chair: Simon Catterall)
9:00-9:30 Erich Poppitz (Toronto) Higher symmetry ’t Hooft anomalies, phase structure, and domain walls
9:30-10:00 Roman Höllwieser (U. Wuppertal) Constraint Effective Potentials in Gauge-Higgs Unification models
10:00-10:30 David Berenstein (UC Santa Barbara) Real time gauge theory dynamics: Programming gauge theory on quantum computers
10:30-11:00 Discussion and coffee
Session 6 (chair: Scott Watson)
11:00-11:30 Juven Wang (IAS) New Anomalies, Topological Boundary Conditions, and Non-Perturbative Beyond-Standard Models
11:30-12:00 Peter Adshead (UIUC) Gauge preheating at the end of inflation
12:00-1:30 Lunch
Session 7 (chair: Pavlos Vranas)
1:30-2:00 Astrid Eichhorn (Heidelberg/CP3-Origins) Asymptotic safety for the Standard Model (with gravity)
2:00-2:30 Henry Lamm (Maryland) Pieces of the Puzzle: Reaching QCD on Quantum Computers
2:30-3:00 Discussion and coffee
Session 8 (chair: Yannick Meurice)
3:00-3:30 Shailesh Chandrasekharan (Duke) Conformal dimensions in large charge sectors using qubit formulations
3:30-4:00 Stefan Kühn (Perimeter) Application of Tensor Network States to Lattice Field Theories
4:00-4:30 Erik Gustafson (Iowa) Quantum simulation of the transverse Ising model
4:30 End of workshop