Important note: this page does NOT update automatically on registration, so if you have registered for the workshop, it may take some time for your name to appear on this list.
List of Confirmed Participants
- Peter Adshead (Illinois)
- Sajid Ali (ITP Muenster)
- Muhammad Asaduzzaman (Syracuse)
- David Berenstein (UC Santa Barbara)
- Rich Brower (Boston University)
- Andrea Carosso (Colorado)
- Simon Catterall (Syracuse)
- Shailesh Chandrasekharan (Duke)
- Kimmy Cushman (Yale)
- Astrid Eichhorn (CP3-Origins, SDU & Heidelberg Univ.)
- Joel Giedt (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Erik Gustafson (Iowa)
- Anna Hasenfratz (Colorado)
- Roman Höllwieser (U. Wuppertal)
- Dean Howarth (Boston University)
- Jay Hubisz (Syracuse)
- Ciaran Hughes (Fermilab)
- James Ingoldby (Yale)
- Xiao-Yong Jin (Argonne National Lab)
- Graham Kribs (Oregon)
- Stefan Kühn (Perimeter Institute)
- Julius Kuti (UC San Diego)
- Matt LaHaye (Syracuse)
- Jack Laiho (Syracuse)
- Hank Lamm (Maryland)
- Randy Lewis (York)
- Adam Martin (Notre Dame)
- Yannick Meurice (Iowa)
- Ethan Neil (Colorado)
- Erich Poppitz (Toronto)
- Jesse Stryker (INT)
- Sean Tulin (York)
- Judah Unmuth-Yockey (Syracuse)
- Pavlos Vranas (LLNL)
- Juven Wang (IAS Princeton)
- Scott Watson (Syracuse)
- Oliver Witzel (Colorado)