High Energy Theory Group
The main interests of the high energy physics theory group include lattice gauge theory (mostly about strongly coupled systems potentially appropriate to dark matter or to beyond-standard model phenomenology) and string theory and quantum gravity (mostly about the AdS/CFT correspondence). The theory group also hosts the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI) each summer.
Shanta de Alwis:
I’m interested in String theory, Supersymmetry breaking and Cosmology. My main interest at this point is in understanding beyond the standard model physics and cosmology from the vantage point of string theory. The latter is the only consistent theory of all the fundamental interactions that we have today and I believe it is important to understand its consequences for both TeV scale particle physics phenomenology (soon to be explored at the LHC) and cosmology.
Tom Degrand:
I study the properties of strongly-interacting systems, most of which appear in the context of elementary particle physics, with a combination of analytic and numerical techniques. I am interested in the physics of strongly interacting quantum fields. The prototype of such system is Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks and gluons which describes the strong nuclear force. Recently, I have become more interested in similar systems, which might be candidates for new beyond Standard Model physics
Oliver DeWolfe:
I am interested in string theory and supergravity, their applications to other phenomena via holography, particle physics, cosmology and quantum field theory.
Anna Hasenfratz:
I am interested in the properties of quantum field theoretical models. My research concentrates on the non-perturbative properties quantum field theories, mainly QCD. Non-perturbative studies frequently require computer simulations but the emphasis is always on the physical picture and understanding of the physical phenomena.
Ethan Neil:
My research interests are in physics beyond the standard model, particularly its signatures in collider and dark matter experiments, and more generally in the physics of strongly-coupled elementary particles, which I study numerically using large-scale computing. My particular interests include composite Higgs and composite dark-matter models, precision calculations of heavy-quark properties (which are an important input to experimental searches for new physics), and the dynamics of many-fermion gauge theories.
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Department of Physics
Duane Physics E1B32
2000 Colorado Ave
Boulder, CO 80309-0390
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390 UCB
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0390
Phone: (303) 492-1228
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