Anna Hasenfratz
Address:   Department of Physics,
             University of Colorado
             Boulder ,CO-80309-390
Phone:     Office  1-303-492-6972
                Fax: 1-303-492-5119
Email:    anna (at)

        Research summary

            Links to Recent Papers
 Evaluating the Fermionic Determinant of Dynamical Configurations
 Simulation of dynamical fermions with smeared links
Two Flavors of Staggered Fermions with Smeared Links
 Four Flavor Finite Temperature Phase Transition with HYP Action
 Topological Susceptibility on Dynamical Staggered Fermion Configurations
 Flavor Symmetry and the Static Potential with Hypercubic Blocking
 Dynamical Fermions with Fat Links
 Low-lying fermion modes, topology and light hadrons in quenched QCD
            Useful Links: