Yannick Meurice, Alan Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Tao Xiang, Zhiyuan Xie, Ji-Feng Yu, Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Haiyuan Zou. ``Comparing Tensor Renormalization Group and Monte Carlo calculations for spin and gauge models.'' PoS(Lattice 2014), arXiv:1311.4826[hep-lat]
Alan Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M. P. Qin, T. Xiang, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu, Haiyuan Zou. ``Controlling sign problems in spin models using tensor renormalization." Phys.Rev. D 89, 016008(2014), arXiv:1309.6623 [hep-lat].
J. F. Yu, Z. Y. Xie, Y. Meurice, Yuzhi Liu, A. Denbleyker, Haiyuan Zou, M. P. Qin, J. Chen, T. Xiang. ``Tensor renormalization group study of classical XY model on the square lattice." Phys. Rev. E arXiv:1309.4963 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M. P. Qin, J. Unmuth-Yockey, T. Xiang, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu, and Haiyuan Zou. ``Exact Blocking Formulas for Spin and Gauge Models." Phys. Rev. D 88, 056005(2013), arXiv:1307.6543[hep-lat].
Yuzhi Liu, Yannick Meurice and Shan-Wen Tsai. ``Local gauge symmetry on optical lattices? '' PoS(Lattice 2012)246, arXiv:1211.4126 [hep-lat].
Ran Zhou, Steven Gottlieb, Jon A. Bailey, Daping Du, Aida X. El-Khadra, R.D. Jain, Andreas S. Kronfeld, Ruth S. Van de Water, Yuzhi Liu and Yannick Meurice. ``Form factors for semi-leptonic B decays.'' PoS(Lattice 2012)120, arXiv:1211.1390 [hep-lat].
Yannick Meurice, Alexei Bazavov, Bernd A. Berg, Daping Du, Alan Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Donald K. Sinclair, Judah Unmuth-Yockey and Haiyuan Zou. ``Fisher zeros and conformality in lattice models.'' PoS(Lattice 2012)229, arXiv:1210.6969 [hep-lat].
Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice and Haiyuan Zou. ``Volume effects in discrete $\beta$ functions.'' PoS(LATTICE 2011)246, arXiv:1112.3119[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, A. Bazavov, Daping Du, Yuzhi Liu, Haiyuan Zou, and Y. Meurice. ``Fisher's zeros, complex RG flows and confinement in LGT models.'' PoS(LATTICE2011)299.
Yuzhi Liu, and Y. Meurice. ``Lines of Fisher's zeros as separatrices for complex renormalization group flows." Phys. Rev. D 83, 096008(2011), arXiv:1103.4846[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, Daping Du, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, and Haiyuan Zou. ``Fisher's zeros as boundary of renormalization group flows in complex coupling spaces." Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 251601(2010), arXiv:1005.1993[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, Daping Du, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, and Haiyuan Zou. ``Fisher's zeros as boundary of RG flows in complex coupling space." PoS(LATTICE2010)259, arXiv:1011.1675[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, and A. Velytsky. ``Finite Size Scaling and Universality in SU(2) at Finite Temperature." PoS(LATTICE2009)197, arXiv.0911.1831[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, Daping Du, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, and A. Velytsky. ``Approximate forms of the density of states." PoS(LATTICE2008)249, arXiv.0810.2252[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, Daping Du, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, and A. Velytsky. ``Volume dependence of Fisher's zeros." PoS(LATTICE2008)244, arXiv.0810.1792[hep-lat].
A. Denbleyker, Daping Du, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, and A. Velytsky. ``Series expansions of the density of states in SU(2)lattice gauge theory." Phys. Rev. D 78, 054503(2008), arXiv.0807.0185[hep-lat].