Almost sunrise around 5:30 |
The crew |
Sunrise |
Still on the nice trail |
Boulderfield starts |
Fat marmot |
More Boulderfield fun |
End of Boulderfield in site (Keyhole ahead) |
Me at the Keyhole |
Behind the Keyhole (West) |
Traversing across |
Looking NW along traverse |
Looking southwest |
At the top USGS marker (and my boots); 14,255 feet (one mile
above our car) |
The crew at the top |
The crew at the top |
Looking east from top (Chasm Lake) |
Another view from top |
Marmot at the top |
Looking southwest from top |
Marmot again |
Looking northeast from top |
I guess I made it; Steve looks a little less worn |