St Petersburg

St Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg  Neoclassical interpretation of Byzantine Greek-cross church completed in 1858 Top of Admiralty Building, St Petersburg Stenson family at St Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson, Craig Stenson Monument to Nicholas I  From 1859
Free shots at gift store Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg  Mock up of fake upstairs party to lure in Rasputin Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg  Mockup of Rasputin getting shot Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg  Death of Rasputin
Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg  Book about killing Rasputin Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg  Thick doors separate private area Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg
Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg
Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Performance in Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg
Theatre in Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Theatre in Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg : Anna Stenson, Craig Stenson Yusupov Palace, St Petersburg
Near Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin
Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin : Anna Stenson
Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin
Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin
Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace, Pushkin Catherine Palace grounds, Pushkin Catherine Palace grounds, Pushkin
Ducks in Catherine Palace grounds, Pushkin Catherine Palace grounds, Pushkin Catherine Palace grounds, Pushkin Catherine Palace grounds, Pushkin
Lomonosovskaya metro station, St Petersburg  Doors make it impossible to fall onto tracks Contact lenses in vending machine at St Petersburg metro station Lenin plaque, St Petersburg Magazin Kuptsov Eliseevykh
Craig by a monument in St Petersburg Chocolate shoes at Magazin Kuptsov Eliseevykh Magazin Kuptsov Eliseevykh Some odd chocolate at Magazin Kuptsov Eliseevykh
Armenian Apostolic Church of St. Catherine , St. Petersburg Craig and Freddy Mercury  Outside of a Hard Rock Cafe knock off : Craig Stenson Belmond Grand Hotel Europe, St. Petersburg Monument to Pushkin, St. Petersburg
Russian museum, St. Petersburg  Note double headed eagle Anna and Kevin at Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. Petersburg : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. Petersburg Things to buy in St. Petersburg
Musician near Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. Petersburg St. Michael's Castle Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. Petersburg Canal in St. Petersburg
Hermitage Theater, St. Petersburg Palace Square, St. Petersburg Winter Palace, St. Petersburg Palace Square, St. Petersburg
Palace Square, St. Petersburg Palace Square, St. Petersburg Winter Palace, St. Petersburg Neva river, St. Petersburg
The Carpenter (monument to Peter the Great), St. Petersburg  Anna is rubbing the feet for good luck : Anna Stenson Hydrofoil on Neva river, St. Petersburg Hydrofoil on Neva river, St. Petersburg Admirality building, St. Petersburg
St Isaac's cathedral, St Petersburg Bronze Horseman, St Petersburg  Commissioned by Catherine the Great, named after a Pushkin poem, completed in 1782. Four Seasons Hotel, St Petersburg Cossack folk music and dancing
Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing
Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing
Cossack folk music and dancing Cossack folk music and dancing Craig and his favorite musician : Craig Stenson Winter Palace, St Petersburg
Winter Palace, St Petersburg Winter Palace, St Petersburg The Throne Room, Winter Palace, St Petersburg Winter Palace, St Petersburg
Winter Palace, St Petersburg The War Gallery of 1812, Winter Palace  Created in 1826 with portraits of 332 generals involved in the war against Napolean. The War Gallery of 1812, Winter Palace  Created in 1826 with portraits of 332 generals involved in the war against Napolean.  Also the victorious rulers. The St. George Hall, Winter Palace, St Petersburg
The St. George Hall, Winter Palace, St Petersburg The St. George Hall, Winter Palace, St Petersburg The St. George Hall, Winter Palace, St Petersburg The St. George Hall, Winter Palace, St Petersburg
Golden Peacock clock, Hermitage, St Petersburg  Built for Potemkin in 1770s by James Cox Winter Palace, St Petersburg Hermitage, St Petersburg The Raphael Loggias, Winter Palace
The Knight's Hall, Winter Palace, St Petersburg Winter Palace, St Petersburg Perseus Releases Andromeda by Rubens, Hermitage  Peter Paul Rubens painting of Perseus Releases Andromeda from 1622 Hermitage, St Petersburg
Portrait of a Scholar by Rembrandt, Hermitage Hanging garden (above the old stables) at The Winter Palace Winter Palace, St Petersburg Winter Palace, St Petersburg
Winter Palace, St Petersburg Craig grilling in Winter Palace, St Petersburg : Craig Stenson Winter Palace, St Petersburg Winter Palace, St Petersburg
The Boudoir, Winter Palace  Part of the apartments of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, the wife of Alexander II. The elegant decor was created in 1853 by the architect Harald Bosse Winter Palace, St Petersburg Winter Palace, St Petersburg The Malachite Room, Winter Palace
The Malachite Room, Winter Palace Exhibition by Anselm Kiefer in Hermitage  The exhibition is titled Anselm Kiefer, for Velimir Khlebnikov and is by Anselm Kiefer who was born in Germany in 1945. Exhibition by Anselm Kiefer in Hermitage  The exhibition is titled Anselm Kiefer, for Velimir Khlebnikov and is by Anselm Kiefer who was born in Germany in 1945. Craig in Winter Palace, St Petersburg : Craig Stenson
Craig and Anna in front of the Winter Palace : Anna Stenson, Craig Stenson Mariinsky performers in the Viking Akun lounge Mariinsky performers in the Viking Akun lounge Mariinsky performers in the Viking Akun lounge
Mariinsky performers in the Viking Akun lounge Black Swan at Hermitage Theatre Black Swan at Hermitage Theatre Black Swan at Hermitage Theatre
Foyer of the Hermitage Theatre  Gallery over road connecting the Winter Palace to the theatre. Redecorated in 1903 by the architect Leonty Benois in the style of the French Rococo. Black Swan at Hermitage Theatre Konstantinovsky Palace Kevin and Anna at Peterhof palace east chapel : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson
Peterhof palace Triton fountain Peterhof palace Triton fountain Peterhof palace chessboard fountain Peterhof palace chessboard fountain
Peterhof palace Roman fountain Peterhof palace Roman fountain Peterhof palace Sunflower fountain New Gazprom building
Peterhof palace pickpocket warning : Craig Stenson Monplaisir Palace in Peterhof Monplaisir Palace in Peterhof : Gary Stenson, Craig Stenson Peterhof palace Adam fountain
Peterhof palace Marine canal Peterhof palace Grand cascade Anna and Kevin at Peterhof palace : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson Peterhof palace
Peterhof palace Grand cascade Stenson family at Peterhof palace : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson, Craig Stenson Craig at Peterhof palace : Craig Stenson Pipes for fountains at Peterhof palace
Old pipes for fountains at Peterhof palace Trick fountain at Peterhof palace : Gary Stenson Trick fountain at Peterhof palace Peterhof palace
Craig at Peterhof palace : Craig Stenson Stenson family at Peterhof palace : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson, Craig Stenson Stenson family by Samson fountain at Peterhof palace : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson, Gary Stenson, Rita Stenson, Craig Stenson Fountain of Samson defeating the lion at Peterhof
Peterhof palace Grand cascade Peterhof palace Grand cascade Peterhof palace Cottage Palace at Alexandria Park : Craig Stenson
Alexandria Park Cottage Palace at Alexandria Park Kevin and Anna at Strelna restaurant : Kevin Stenson, Anna Stenson Konstantinovsky Palace
Craig at Strelna restaurant : Craig Stenson Museum of political history  Bolshevik headquarters during revolution Museum of political history  Bolshevik headquarters during revolution Museum of political history  Painting of Lenin making famous speech when he returns to start October revolution
Museum of political history  Anti Trotsky propaganda Museum of political history Museum of political history Museum of political history
Museum of political history  The balcony from which Lenin made his famous speech when he returned to start October revolution.  The building was Bolshevik headquarters during revolution. The Great Mosque of St Petersburg Smolny Convent