TASI Lectures on renormalization and effective field theory
T. Cohen, ``As Scales Become Separated: Lectures on Effective Field Theory,'' [arXiv:1903.03622 [hep-ph]]. (2018)
S. Dawson, ``Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Effective Field Theory,'' [arXiv:1712.07232 [hep-ph]]. (2016)
W. Skiba, ``Effective Field Theory and Precision Electroweak Measurements,'' [arXiv:1006.2142 [hep-ph]]. (2009)
M. Neubert, ``Effective field theory and heavy quark physics,'' [arXiv:hep-ph/0512222 [hep-ph]]. (2004)
D. M. Pierce, ``Renormalization of supersymmetric theories,'' [arXiv:hep-ph/9805497 [hep-ph]]. (1997)
J. C. Collins, ``The Problem of scales: Renormalization and all that,'' [arXiv:hep-ph/9510276 [hep-ph]]. (1995)
J. Polchinski, ``Effective field theory and the Fermi surface,'' [arXiv:hep-th/9210046 [hep-th]]. (1992)
D. C. Kennedy, ``Renormalization of electroweak gauge interactions,'' FERMILAB-CONF-91-271-T. (191)
G. P. Lepage, ``What is Renormalization?,'' [arXiv:hep-ph/0506330 [hep-ph]]. (1989)
Tom DeGrand
Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder