TASI Lectures on cosmology
J. M. Cline, ``TASI Lectures on Early Universe Cosmology: Inflation, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter,'' [arXiv:1812.02029 [hep-ph]] (2018)
D. Baumann, ``Primordial Cosmology,'' [arXiv:1807.03098 [hep-th]]. (2017)
L. Senatore, ``Lectures on Inflation,'' [arXiv:1609.00716 [hep-th]]. (2015)
E. Silverstein, ``TASI lectures on cosmological observables and string theory,'' [arXiv:1606.03640 [hep-th]]. (2015)
J. Lesgourgues, ``Cosmological Perturbations,'' [arXiv:1302.4640 [astro-ph.CO]]. (2013)
R. Bean, ``Cosmic Acceleration,'' [arXiv:1003.4468 [astro-ph.CO]]. (2009)
D. Baumann, ``Inflation,'' [arXiv:0907.5424 [hep-th]]. (2009)
M. Trodden and S. M. Carroll, ``TASI lectures: Introduction to cosmology,'' [arXiv:astro-ph/0401547 [astro-ph]]. (2003)
M. Trodden and S. M. Carroll, ``TASI lectures: Introduction to cosmology,'' [arXiv:astro-ph/0401547 [astro-ph]]. (2002)
A. Buonanno, ``TASI lectures on gravitational waves from the early universe,'' [arXiv:gr-qc/0303085 [gr-qc]]. (2002)
A. R. Liddle, ``Recent developments in cosmology,'' [arXiv:hep-ph/0201264 [hep-ph]]. (2001)
S. M. Carroll, ``TASI lectures: Cosmology for string theorists,'' [arXiv:hep-th/0011110 [hep-th]]. (1999)
R. H. Brandenberger, ``Modern cosmology and structure formation,'' [arXiv:astro-ph/9411049 [astro-ph]]. (1994)
J. A. Frieman, ``The Standard cosmology,'' [arXiv:astro-ph/9404040 [astro-ph]]. (1993)
M. S. Turner, ``Inflation after COBE: Lectures on inflationary cosmology,'' [arXiv:astro-ph/9304012 [astro-ph]]. (1992)
N. Turok, ``Phase Transitions as the Origin of Large Scale Structure in the Universe,'' FERMILAB-CONF-88-116-A. (scanned) (1988)
A. Albrecht, ``Cosmology for High-Energy Physicists,'' FERMILAB-CONF-87-206-A. (scanned) (1987)
E. W. Kolb, ``Particle Physics and Cosmology,'' FERMILAB-CONF-86-146-A. (scanned) (1986)
Tom DeGrand
Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder